Image Link Global is called ILG, which is an image and video sales site operated by KYODO NEWS IMAGES Inc.
There are images and videos of Japanese politics, economics, disasters, technology, sports, the emperor family as well as the old images from 1800's. Moreover, we collect a wide vareity of contents such as entertainment, international news and sports players around the world.
We are sure you can find the best digital contents under this huge database. Use the contents provided by ILG to delights and enthral your audience and your product.
※ILG is a website for corporations (company), educators, and researchers.
1. Kyodo News
Editorial (Latest news to archive) images and videos collected from Japan and around the world by kyodo News, a Japanese news agency founded on 1945.
2. Typical images and video of Japan
Images and videos that reflects the Japanese cultures and landscapes. For example the Cherry blossoms, temple sites, Japanese food, clothing from traditional Kimono to cosplay fasshion and aslo the lastest trend such as animations and games.
3. Multiple media contents by our partners in the world
You can find the contents from all over the world from ILG. The partners and contents holders of ILG covers and capturing the ever-changing world. You can serach contents around the world with a single destination(ILG).
1. Search
Enter a keyword related to the image or video you would like to search for.
2. Add to the cart
Please add the contents you would like to purchase to your cart.
3. Register & Login
Please register with your company information.
ImageLinkGlobal(ILG)_Register&Sign in Manual
4. Purchase procedure
You can choose payment method either from card payment or bank transfer.
ImageLinkGlobal(ILG)_Purchase procedure Manual
5. Download
Once the payment is confirmed, you can download your contents.
6. Other exclusive functions
1) Idea Box
We understand sometime you would like to keep several choices. Idea box is perfect for you to simply keep what you are under consideration and share with your teamates by sharing the URL. You can also put the items directly to the cart from idea box to finish your purchase. Try it out by pressing the light bulb button!
2) Feature page
Our Feature pages enable you to browse on the selected contents which may be a hot news topic, or a historical events which may brainstorm you some ideas for the next project. Check out the lastest feature page by clicking feature on the Top page!
※Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions related to the usage and contents by clicking contact us.