Japanese baseball instructor trains W. African boys

Japanese baseball instructor trains W. African boys

Yuta Deai, a bakery shop owner who spent two years from 2008 as a baseball instructor in Burkina Faso, poses with his glove in Furano, Hokkaido, on Dec. 27, 2014. After returning home, Deai invited five of his former players from the West African country to Japan so that they can brush up their baseball skills. (Kyodo) ==Kyodo

  • Product Code
  • ILEA000064043
  • Registered date
  • 2015/2/16 15:52:06
  • Credit
  • Kyodo / Kyodo News Images
  • Media source
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  • 1058 × 1508 pixel
  • Resolution
  • 240 dpi
  • Deployment size
  • 216.23(KB)*
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