Former sex slaves give speeches

Former sex slaves give speeches

OSAKA, Japan - Kim Bok Dong (R), 87, and Kil Won Ok, 84, two South Korean women who were forced to serve as wartime sex slaves for the Japanese military, attend a gathering organized by a civic group supporting them, in Osaka, western Japan, on May 25, 2013.

  • Product Code
  • ILEA001182736
  • Registered date
  • 2013/5/25 00:00:00
  • Credit
  • Kyodo / Kyodo News Images
  • Media source
  • 2013 Kyodo News
  • Media size
  • 2524 × 1774 pixel
  • Resolution
  • 240 dpi
  • Deployment size
  • 527.02(KB)*
  • Special instruction

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