Gazan artists call out gloomy reality through prism of art

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Gazan artists call out gloomy reality through prism of art

STORY: Gazan artists call out gloomy reality through prism of art DATELINE: Feb. 22, 2023 LENGTH: 00:03:44 LOCATION: GAZA, Palestine CATEGORY: SOCIETY SHOTLIST: 1. various of the exhibition held by Sharif Sarhan 2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): SHARIF SARHAN, Gaza-based artist 3. various of the exhibition held by Sharif Sarhan 4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): FRANCOIS TIGER, Director of the French center 5. various of the exhibition held by Sharif Sarhan STORYLINE: Artists in Gaza, who have lived for years in tension, violence, and hardship under the Israeli blockade, have called attention worldwide to the bleak reality unnoticed by the global audience. Sharif Sarhan, 47, who spent 10 years doing art, saw drawing, photography, and sculpture as the best tools for him to reflect the reality in the impoverished but densely populated Palestinian enclave. "With the ongoing political and economic instability in Gaza, it was not easy to make a breakthrough in the fight against the isolation that was forced on us either intern

  • Product Code
  • ILEA001243011
  • Registered date
  • 2023/2/22 00:00:00
  • Credit
  • Xinhua / Kyodo News Images
  • Media source
  • Xinhua News Agency.All Rights Reserved
  • Media size
  • 1920 × 1080 pixel
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