Gathering Against The Prefet'decision To Let Homeless People Outside Until Temperatures Reach Minus 10 C
A man holds a cardboard sign reading 'Housing is a right. Allo the 115? I'm outside. React!' Several NGOs and associations, such as NGO D.A.L. (Right To Housing) and Case de Sante (Health House), organize a gathering in front of the Prefecture of Occitania as the Prefet decides that the 'plan glacial coldness' (Plan grand froid) will be implemented under severe conditions. This plan opens new shelters and accommodations for people living on the streets. The Prefet decides that the plan activates only if the temperature is below minus 10?C for three consecutive nights and if daytime temperatures remain negative or at a maximum of 0?C. Already this winter, a man living on the streets dies from the cold. Even children stay on the streets if temperatures remain above -10?C. There is an emergency phone number for people living on the streets, the 115, but the number is always gridlocked. They also denounce the gentrification of the district and the lack of affordable housing. In Toulouse, France, on January 28, 20
- Product Code
- ILEA003925978
- Registered date
- 2025/1/28 00:00:00
- Credit
- NurPhoto / Kyodo News Images
- Media source
- Alain Pitton/NurPhoto
- Media size
- 7360 × 4912 pixel
- Deployment size
- 21.26(MB)*
*File size when opened in Photoshop, etc.