Kyoto's autumn fire festival excites revelers
The annual autumn fire festival in Kurama in the mountains of
northern Kyoto excites festivalgoers. In the festival, known as
''Kurama-no-Himatsuri,'' thousands of torches are carried or placed
at the side of the road leading up to the Yuki Shrine. Revelers
shout in unison, ''Come take part in this Shinto ritual.'' The
festival, sponsored by the shrine, dates back to the 10th century.
- Product Code
- ILEA000000728
- Registered date
- 1998/10/23 00:00:00
- Credit
- Kyodo / Kyodo News Images
- Media size
- 1525 × 1993 pixel
- Deployment size
- 394.38(KB)*
*File size when opened in Photoshop, etc.