Possible cause of Papua New Guinea tsunami found
A group of Japanese, American, British and Australian
researchers has confirmed new signs of seabed fissures and landslides
about 30 kilometers off the Papua New Guinea coast that was
devastated by tsunami following a killer earthquake last July. They
hypothesize that the seabed changes may have caused the tsunami. The
photo, taken by the unmanned research submersible ''Dolphin 3K'' in
February, was released by the Japan Marine Science and Technology
Center on March 29.
- Product Code
- ILEA000001358
- Registered date
- 1999/3/30 00:00:00
- Credit
- Kyodo / Kyodo News Images
- Media size
- 1905 × 1305 pixel
- Deployment size
- 487.56(KB)*
*File size when opened in Photoshop, etc.