French Animal Rights Groups Denounce Pig Breeding

French Animal Rights Groups Denounce Pig Breeding

★Handout screen grabs released on Thursday August 19, 2021, by animal rights organisation L214 show new shocking images of mistreatment, this time in a pig farm in the Yonne region, France, and an unedited, open-faced testimony from a former employee who raised the alarm. "They cut the tails off and castrate them (...). If a piglet limps, they take it and slam it on the floor. Sometimes you can still see it moving in the bucket," says Gregory Boutron. A former employee for two years and two months of the SCEA Les Tremblats II farm in Annay-sur-Serein (Yonne), he recently resigned from his position after falling into depression following the mistreatment he witnessed. He continued: "Because the sow doesn't want to move forward, they attack her with a screwdriver (...). They cut the teeth with pliers (...). They gave fourteen blows with a matador (a stunning tool used in slaughterhouses) to

  • Product Code
  • ILEA000804856
  • Registered date
  • 2021/8/20 00:00:00
  • Credit
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