Tea-oil camellia leading to well-off life

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Tea-oil camellia leading to well-off life

STORY: Tea-oil camellia leading to well-off life DATELINE: March 6, 2022 LENGTH: 0:04:00 LOCATION: RUIJIN, China CATEGORY: SOCIETY SHOTLIST: 1. various of tea-oil camellia 2. various of China 3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress 4. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress 5. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress 6. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress 7. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHU ZHIQIANG, General manager of Green Fairyland 8. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): GUO YONG, Resident of Songcun village in Ganzhou 9. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress 10. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LAN NIANYING, National lawmaker from Jiangxi STORYLINE: SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MING JINGHUA, Deputy to the 12th National People's Congress "My hometown used to be very poor. For recent years, the poverty alleviation drive, beefed up with po

  • Product Code
  • ILEA000936556
  • Registered date
  • 2022/3/07 00:00:00
  • Credit
  • Xinhua / Kyodo News Images
  • Media source
  • Xinhua News Agency.All Rights Reserved
  • Media size
  • 1920 × 1080 pixel
  • Deployment size
  • 249.54(MB)*
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