Negotiations, not sanctions, are the only way out of Ukraine crisis, says Thai official

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Negotiations, not sanctions, are the only way out of Ukraine crisis, says Thai official

STORY: Negotiations, not sanctions, are the only way out of Ukraine crisis, says Thai official DATELINE: March 10, 2022 LENGTH: 00:01:27 LOCATION: Bangkok CATEGORY: POLITICS SHOTLIST: 1. SOUNDBITE (English): PANITAN WATTANAYAGORN, Chairman of Thai prime minister's Security Advisory Committee STORYLINE: Sanctions often do not work well and may cause devastating impacts in certain cases, while negotiations are the only way out of the Ukraine crisis, a Thai official has said. SOUNDBITE (English): PANITAN WATTANAYAGORN, Chairman of Thai prime minister's Security Advisory Committee "Sanctions, especially economic sanctions, often do not work well, particularly to the people of those targeted countries. Sanctions seem to be one of the most often used tools to perhaps increase the weight in terms of pressure on negotiations, but particularly in the new current era that we all are connected in a global market. One country's sanctions will hurt others. And eventually, it may also hurt the country that imposes sanc

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