U.S. should address its own human rights issues, stop lecturing others: FM spokesperson

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U.S. should address its own human rights issues, stop lecturing others: FM spokesperson

STORY: U.S. should address its own human rights issues, stop lecturing others: FM spokesperson DATELINE: March 22, 2022 LENGTH: 00:01:30 LOCATION: Beijing CATEGORY: POLITICS SHOTLIST: 1. SOUNDBITE (Chinese/English interpretation): WANG WENBIN, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson STORYLINE: SOUNDBITE (Chinese/English interpretation): WANG WENBIN, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson "The more the U.S. repeats lies related to Xinjiang, the more it exposes its hypocrisy in claiming to be a defender of human rights. As millions of native Americans died as a result of genocide, the U.S. should sincerely repent for its crimes, rather than smear and attack others. As nearly 1 million people have lost their lives to COVID-19, over 40,000 people fall victim to gun violence every year and hundreds of thousands of people suffer from racial discrimination in the U.S., the country should make deep reflection on its own human rights deficit rather than point fingers at others. As U.S. waged wars in Iraq, Syria, Af

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  • Registered date
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