Rally held in Yemen's capital to mark 7th anniversary of war

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Rally held in Yemen's capital to mark 7th anniversary of war

STORY: Rally held in Yemen's capital to mark 7th anniversary of war DATELINE: March 27, 2022 LENGTH: 00:00:37 LOCATION: Sanaa CATEGORY: POLITICS/MILITARY SHOTLIST: 1. various of the rally STORYLINE: Tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the street in Sanaa on Saturday to mark the seventh anniversary of the intervention of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's civil war. People thronged to the streets of Sanaa to demonstrate their dissatisfaction over the years-long conflict and draconian economic blockade. Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014 when the Iran-backed Houthi militia seized control of the northern provinces and forced the Saudi-backed Yemeni government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of the capital Sanaa. On March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia and several other Arab countries launched a military campaign in the country, aiming to reinstall the government to power. The war has killed tens of thousands of people in the poor Arab country and pushed millions into abject poverty

  • Product Code
  • ILEA000946751
  • Registered date
  • 2022/3/27 00:00:00
  • Credit
  • Xinhua / Kyodo News Images
  • Media source
  • Xinhua News Agency.All Rights Reserved
  • Media size
  • 1920 × 1080 pixel
  • Deployment size
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